It was sad to see Nancy J. Parisi's show 'Lost In It' show come down, but piece are still available for sale at VFA! If you had your eye on something get it before they are gone!
We have payment options on all original art work if there was something in one of the last shows you liked don't hesitate!!!! Art is a great investment!
We Have some really great shows coming up for the remaining 2011 calendar! I'm working on locking down the details for a special Dec. show to finish up the year. More to come!
We are currently working on getting the gallery ready Joanna Cutri's show. Her work is coming all the way from Bali. This is going to be a great show so make sure you come and support the artist and show your appreciation for the enormous effort she made to get her work here for the show. Opening Reception July 9th 6-10pm

upcoming shows 2011:
September 2nd- "Fire and Timber" Fusion of Elements with our own superior local artists, woodist Rich Federowicz and Iron worker Andy Chambers.

November 12th- Two more Spectacular Buffalo Artists, Sculptor Larry Kinney and Photographer and painter William Herod

Big news for October 7-8, 2011!
Oct.7th we are Teaming up with the Albright Knox's First Friday Event with Dean Haglund, better known for his character, Langley from the X Files and Lone Gunmen We will be screening his Documentary The 'Truth is Out There' followed by a Q&A. Oct 8th We will be also Screening the Documentary at the Springville Center for the Arts with the Artist reception at for Dean's paintings at VFA. Times and show details to come.

Being a non profit gallery, We can't bring you great shows like these and the Art of Dean Haglund without financial support from our fans! As i said before Art is a great investment and we are bringing you some of the best from our own backyard and from around the world. Artist and Galleries depend on your support to survive.
We greatly appreciate everyone who has made it out to the gallery and supported us so far, but we would like to see some new faces coming out and supporting the artist that we bring into our beautiful area!
Richard VanOver
Executive Director/Curator