Saturday, October 8th 2pm - Screening of 'The Truth is Out There' The newly released documentary from Dean Haglund and Phil Leirness, Q&A after the Screening with Dean Haglund.
Dean is best known for his character 'Langley' one of the Lone Gunmen from the hit TV show the X-Files.
The screening will be held at the Springville Center for the Arts located at 37 North Buffalo Street, Springville, NY 14141
Tickets are on Sale NOW! Limited seating available $10 per ticket. For ticket sales and info on the screening contact SCA at 716 592 9038
Following the Screening......

Saturday October 8th 6-10pm
1st Annual Springville Fall Art Crawl - "Culture in the Country!"
Springville's Historic Main Street will transform several shops in to temporary galleries for the night, allowing the public to hop from on opening to opening see great artwork and exploring what our main street business have to offer.
This is a Juried Fine Arts Event.
If you are heading upor coming back from the Ellicottville's Fall Festival, Stop by we are only 20 minutes from Ellicottville, just off the 219 straight down Rt.39
The Springville Fall Art Crawl will be a great way to finish up you day!
Stay Tuned for more info and a map showing the artists location on Main Street.
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