"Fractured Imminence"
Artwork by Mark Allen
Opening Reception - September 07, 2013 6-10pm
18"x 24" acrylic on paper
Mark Allen’s Artist Statement:
As an artist it is
very important for me to connect the world with a image that is familiar,
but will keep you thinking of endless possibilities. To stay,
contemplate, and wonder about the world that we share. I have studied long
and far getting most of my rounding at Pratt at Munson-Williams. Where I
learned a great amount and became an ambassador to the art world.
We have necessities that I try to focus in on. The
everyday life that surrounds us. For example a lot of my work contains flowers,
fruit, and vegetation. These simple things that we really don't think about
besides their appeal have much more to offer. The thought process for
most is in the smell, taste, or color. However the nutrients,
and or extract that we obtain from these plants are a lot more
important. The growth from photosynthesis even gives so much
more. Such a simple ripple of oxygen vegetation harnesses, taking
carbon dioxide and producing the oxygen that we breathe. A
great percentage of oxygen is omitted in the air by green
growth. Letting us exist as a society. I have been undergoing
the idea of chaos vs. order in similar realms. Where decay is not an over
looked factor, but just as important as growth. I try to bring that
in perspective with my line work. The line is the most simple mark one can
make on a paper. The decomposition of natural organism,
and returning matter in the land is so natural its simple
in our minds. But is very complex. A mark on a paper can instill
humbleness just as watching a day lily grow. Most over look that and
take nothing that doesn't fit in the schedule. I hope
it notions to take a step back from our chaotic lives and just
appreciate how far we have come. Thanks to the small stuff.
16" x 20" Mixed medium on paper |
And finally Mini Cupcakes by Beans to Brew opening night only!
"The Grimm Show"
B-Side - Van Over Fine Arts
"The Six Swans" Artist: Tammy Mae Moon
16" x 20"- Acrylic on board
Opening Reception October 5th, 2013 6-10pm |
Featuring work by
Randy Rigutto
Mark Allen